Note: All of the products on the website are replicas(UA).



  1. 7-12 days. Shipping time varies a lot due to international shipping.
  2. We ship with FedEx / UPS to ensure the best packaging and the fastest shipping.
  3. We are not responsible for carrier delays or delays caused by holidays, meteorological conditions, customs inspections, and other circumstances beyond the control of Hypetime.


Tracking number

After your order is placed, it will take some time to process and have the factory send the bags downtown. After we double-check the quality and details, we will then pass the item to FedEx / UPS for shipment. Therefore, you will receive the tracking number within 3-5 days.


Return policy

  1. All of our items are replicas (UA), which means that it is possible to have tiny flaws on them. Therefore, there must be a VALID quality issue to receive free returns.
  2. Your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received with the original packaging.
  3. Any return/exchange will have to be received and inspected by us before we can issue a refund/exchange.
  4. Please contact us before returning or if you have any other issues. We will always try our best to provide you with satisfying shopping experiences.




  1. About Local taxes and import duties

Local taxes and import duties may be incurred in some countries and are not included in the amounts shown. The buyer or recipient of the shipment is responsible for all such taxes and duties. Our products are sold worldwide and we cannot guarantee that they meet the import requirements of every country. If in doubt, please check with your country’s customs office prior to ordering.


  1. How to get tax less or free upon import

Any import charges or fees are the buyer’s responsibility. In order to ensure you receive your order tax less or free upon import, we will declare it as a GIFT or SAMPLE with a lower value. This lower price does not reflect the total price you paid or the market value of the product and may not apply to countries with different tariff rules. If need to using the true value, or any other requests, please write down the information on the Notes when you Complete the order.